Evaluations and a continuing education certificate for sessions you attend at NCAD
will be obtained using the website CE-Go.
CE Information for the Summit for Clinical Excellence
To receive a Continuing Education (CE) certificate for the National Conference on Addiction Disorders there is a 2-step process.
`1. To receive Continuing Education (CE) credits for approved educational sessions, you must:
1. Have your badge scanned in and out of each session for attendance verification purposes.
2. Attend each session in full.
3. Complete the CE-Go online process within 45 days of the end of the event.
2. CE Go-Online Evaluation and Certificate Process
1. Ensure you are able to receive messages from support@ce-go.com.
2. You will receive an email from CE go with a link to fill in your session evaluations.
3. Add sessions you attended to your roster for that day.
4. Complete the evaluation form for each session you attended.
5. Complete the overall conference event evaluation.
6. Download your Continuing Education Certificate for your records.
For Support for the CE Process:
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact CE-Goat 877.248.6789 or support@ce-go.com