P04 - Understanding Millennials and the Next Generation (1.50 CE)
Date & Time
Thursday, September 28, 2017, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
David A. Verhaagen, PhD, ABPP
Each generation is different from the ones before it in some significant ways. The Millennials are no exception. Like all generations, they come with both positive and negative characteristics. Dr. Verhaagen, author of Parenting the Millennial Generation and Therapy with Young Men, will explore the mindset, behavior, worldview, and values of these young adults, then also take a peek at the generation after them, those age 16 and younger. The presentation will focus on the special implications for mental health and substance abuse treatment professionals who work with young adults and teens.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
  • Describe three or more defining characteristics of Millennials.
  • Describe three or more likely defining characteristics of the upcoming generation.
  • Learn at least two strategies, skills, or approaches for working with Millennials.