P01- The Perfection Deception, What's it Costing Our Kids? Jane Bluestein, PhD, (1.50 CE)
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Jane Bluestein, PhD
Explore the difference between striving for excellence and chasing perfection. Although the behaviors may look similar, the motivations and outcomes are quite different—and very destructive. In this session, we will look at what perfectionism is, where it comes from (including expectations and messages from significant adults in emerging adult lives), and the impact on young people’s bodies, mental health, addictions, achievement, goals, and friendships. Help them learn to set reasonable and achievable goals, understand the value of making mistakes, and rebound and learn from failure. See effective ways to help them start or finish projects, as well as ways to overcome self-limitations that keep them stuck in an artificial comfort zone. We will explore topics including the need for acceptance and belonging, “stinking thinking,” media messages that can distort our sense of what is relevant or real, and the power of the Inner Critic. We will also discuss practical strategies for helping emerging adults appreciate the value of authenticity and wholeness, seeking confidence, self-fulfillment, and happiness instead of perfection.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
  • Distinguish between healthy striving for excellence and various ways perfectionism can manifest (physically, emotionally, behaviorally).
  • Identify various ways perfectionism can develop (through family roles and messages, peer pressure, advertising and media, biological factors).
  • Identify strategies for helping individuals examine and shift thinking, beliefs, and behaviors in less perfectionistic directions toward greater confidence, resiliency, and authenticity.