W04 - Rethinking Recovery: Therapeutic Tools for Quicker Results (1.5 CE)
Date & Time
Friday, October 13, 2017, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Speaker: Justin Wolf, LPC-S, LCDC

Statistics have shown that typically 90 days of residential treatment is where the first significant “bump” occurs as far as effectiveness. With thirty days being insufficient for long-term recovery, it is important to get the most out of those days. This presentation will illuminate the need for concise, evidenced based treatment that achieves the most impact and provides an alternative approach to the 12 Step program. Highlights will include how to move residential clients as far down the road to recovery as possible, in the short time available, utilizing cutting edge technology, specific therapies and practices including CBT as a therapeutic model, Neuro feedback, mindfulness and EMDR accomplishing much in a short time. This session will demonstrate specific therapeutic interventions, creating monitoring and maintaining fidelity to a treatment direction, and distilling treatment into razor sharp, repeatable practices. A primary focus is dealing with mental health diagnosis and trauma during residential substance abuse treatment and setting a strong foundation for follow up care.

Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
  • Elicit change in people using a mental shift from a “what we have always done” to what works best
  • List the most efficient and therapeutically valuable treatment non-12 facility Learning objective
  • Recognize and offer insight into establishing a treatment “current” create momentum at discharge