P03 - The Child is Father of the Man: Neurobiological Crossroads of Trauma, Addiction and Mood Disorders, (1.5 CE)
Date & Time
Thursday, October 12, 2017, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Early life trauma can cause long-term and persisting changes to the brain and brain chemistry, which can be measured and imaged, even decades after the childhood events. The presence (or absence) of childhood trauma can increase later-life vulnerability to addiction and mood disorders and also appears to influence which treatments are most effective. Taking a careful trauma history in children and adults is essential for any provider of healthcare. This session will explore all of the above.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
  • Name the three basic elements of the neuro-endocrine system altered in early life trauma that can affect mood, anxiety and addiction.
  • Explain a simple teaching model of the neurobiology of addiction to clients and their families.
  • Name and briefly explain at least three early life events that have correlated with later life mood and addictive disorders.