Recovery Support
Countless individuals have found recovery with the support of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-Step organizations. But because “one size does not fit all” in either treatment or recovery support, many patients and providers are seeking alternatives that they see as potentially more empowering or better suited for some individuals. In this workshop, the lead author of a groundbreaking study showing equivalent outcomes in secular groups, such as SMART Recovery and Women for Sobriety, will discuss what the research community now knows about these alternatives. The structure of 12-Step alternative groups, and their level of availability across the country, will be addressed. Dr. Zemore also will share findings from the evidence base on 12-Step alternatives, including key findings of her published study comparing 12-Step groups and three alternatives. Attendees will learn about both the nature and effectiveness of mutual help alternatives, gaining a broader view of the many viable pathways to recovery.