E47 - No Wrong Door: Integrating Problem Gambling into Treatment for Substance Use Disorders (1.50 CEs)
Date & Time
Sunday, August 20, 2017, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Loreen Rugle, Program Director, Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling
Christopher Welsh, associate professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Christopher Welsh, associate professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Research evidence has clearly shown that individuals diagnosed with substance use and mental health disorders are at significantly higher risk for gambling problems. Additionally, unidentified problem gambling contributes to increased treatment costs and decreased treatment effectiveness across substance use disorder, behavioral and general healthcare settings. However, very few programs screen for gambling problems or address the impact of gambling on recovery. While many evidence based brief problem gambling screens have been developed, it has become clear that such screens do not work in actual clinical practice as they do in research studies. This session will discuss the gap between research and practice and present an evidence informed approach to integrating the topic of gambling into screening and intervention strategies that effectively address the impact of gambling and problem gambling on recovery, health and well-being.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify key elements to effective screening for gambling problems.
- Identify strategies to initiate discussion of the impact of gambling in behavioral healthcare settings, focusing on substance use disorder treatment settings.
- Describe and utilize intervention and/or referral strategies for those at risk for or reporting gambling problems.