E42 - Integrative Screening Across Multiple Settings: A Strategy for Identifying and Addressing The Complex Needs of Our Clients (1.50 CEs)
Date & Time
Sunday, August 20, 2017, 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Carlo DiClemente Aruna Chandran Michael Vigorito
Clients often experience multiple health needs or risks beyond their presenting concern, particularly in substance using populations. Screening across multiple health domains (i.e., integrative screening) in a variety of settings is integral to identification of client’s complex needs. This session will focus on best practices for screening to promote integrated care. We will discuss screening in substance abuse treatment settings for mental health symptoms, sexual health, physical health, and infectious disease risk/testing as well as screening for substance use in other healthcare settings.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a rationale for integrative screening and a tool to conduct integrative screening in multiple agency settings.
  • Understand the unique benefits and barriers to screening for multiple health needs and risks among individuals presenting to treatment for substance use
  • Understand the unique benefits and barriers to screening for substance use among individuals presenting to other healthcare settings