B03 - Developing Processes to Measure Treatment Outcomes
Date & Time
Thursday, August 17, 2017, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

This session will teach participants key strategies, standards and process in the development and use of outcome measures. Participants will learn how to organize and operationalize an outcome development process. Key insights gained from several years of successful outcomes program management will be shared. Participants will also learn to use information developed uses information developed through the outcomes program to support third-party payer contract negotiations, program development, marketing campaigns and clinical decision models. The session will focus on key areas of organizational accountability. Strategies for developing and integrating accountability systems will be presented. Specific examples of the application of these principles will be included.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify practical strategies and applications for the development of outcome measurement systems.
- Define standards and practices essential to measurement and reporting outcomes and fidelity.
- Cite specific examples of the use of outcomes, including clinical, program, administrative and policy applications.