Full Name
Louise Vincent
Job Title
MPH, Executive Director
Urban Survivors' Union
Speaker Bio
Louise Vincent, MPH, is a harm reductionist who has worked in the substance use and harm reduction fields for the last 10 years. She intimately understands the consequences of ineffective traditional drug treatment programs. She was treated in 2005 for HCV and has worked in a number of roles and capacities, including Program Director, Outreach specialist, Naloxone Consultant, Health Education Facilitator and Counselor. She assisted in the development and implementation of North Carolina's first harm reduction, hepatitis education, testing and linkage-to-care program and is a North Carolina certified HIV and Hepatitis C Counselor. She has been at the forefront of the harm reduction response to illicit drug use in North Carolina and is committed to preventing blood-borne virus transmission and drug-related deaths and improving the health of people who use drugs.
Louise Vincent