Correctional-Based Interventions: Treating Criminal Justice Involved Populations
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Gary Hall, President and Co-Founder, Hollywood Impact Studios Rehabilitation and Vocational Corp.
Jason Merrick, MSW, CADC, Director of Addiction Services, Kenton County (Kentucky) Detention Center
Jason Merrick, MSW, CADC, Director of Addiction Services, Kenton County (Kentucky) Detention Center

Moderator: Richard W. Sanders, MSCJ, Commissioner, Kentucky State Police, and Member, Operation UNITE Board of Directors
This session features two programs that are treating criminal justice involved populations in the corrections setting, as well as assisting with their transition back into the community.
The Kenton County Detention Center (KCDC) Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) treats individuals involved with the criminal justice system, as a key component of Northern Kentucky’s Collective Response to the Heroin Epidemic. The eight-county region, just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, has been described as Kentucky’s “heroin ground zero.” The presenter will explain processes aimed at solving the ongoing issues surrounding opiate and other substance-use in communities. The JSAP consists of a comprehensive biopsychosocial treatment model for men and women incarcerated at KCDC. JSAP includes multi-tiered interventions with varying levels of intensity and commitment. All treatment tiers include, at a minimum: addiction education, introductions to support systems, overdose prevention and response training, relapse prevention, pre-release preparation, post-release networking, a living-risk assessment, therapeutic community living environment, and a voluntary option for a naltrexone injection with referral to community mental health and health care providers for consecutive naltrexone injections and behavioral therapy prior to release.
The Hollywood Impact Studios Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center has a unique approach to helping men mainstream from jail, prison and longer-term drug recovery programs back into society through mentoring, recovery and vocational/education training in a Christ-centered environment. The center’s In-Jail Program at the Los Angeles County Jail allows incarcerated men to begin building relationships with Christian Hollywood professionals as they learn about careers in the television and film industry. This relationship continues as the men are met “at the gate” upon their release. Then, the center’s Alumni-Continuum Support Groups helps them with recovery, like skills, housing, work, etc. The third component is the Hollywood Impact Studios Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center, known as Miracle Mountain, which opened in early 2018. Topics will include breaking the cycle of incarceration and drug/alcohol abuse through a holistic, faith-based approach; the importance of building real relationships with people working through recovery; how to bring down recidivism rates in jails and prisons by implementing this type of program; and how best to utilize volunteers to fulfill your mission.
- Describe the components of a comprehensive regional approach to addressing addiction-related issues aimed at mitigating stressors on correctional, medical and judicial systems.
- Apply various evidence-based treatment models to their specific populations, facilities and regions.
- Recognize the monetary, safety and systematic benefits to presenting the best evidence-based programing in a correctional setting.
- Outline challenges faced by secular and nonsecular programs for treating criminal justice involved populations.
- Explain the importance of relationships with those in recovery.
- Identify the benefits of a holistic approach.
- Discuss how the Kenton County Detention Center’s Jail Substance Abuse Program and Hollywood Impact Studios’ programs are replicable and scalable to meet the needs of other communities.
This session features two programs that are treating criminal justice involved populations in the corrections setting, as well as assisting with their transition back into the community.
The Kenton County Detention Center (KCDC) Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) treats individuals involved with the criminal justice system, as a key component of Northern Kentucky’s Collective Response to the Heroin Epidemic. The eight-county region, just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, has been described as Kentucky’s “heroin ground zero.” The presenter will explain processes aimed at solving the ongoing issues surrounding opiate and other substance-use in communities. The JSAP consists of a comprehensive biopsychosocial treatment model for men and women incarcerated at KCDC. JSAP includes multi-tiered interventions with varying levels of intensity and commitment. All treatment tiers include, at a minimum: addiction education, introductions to support systems, overdose prevention and response training, relapse prevention, pre-release preparation, post-release networking, a living-risk assessment, therapeutic community living environment, and a voluntary option for a naltrexone injection with referral to community mental health and health care providers for consecutive naltrexone injections and behavioral therapy prior to release.
The Hollywood Impact Studios Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center has a unique approach to helping men mainstream from jail, prison and longer-term drug recovery programs back into society through mentoring, recovery and vocational/education training in a Christ-centered environment. The center’s In-Jail Program at the Los Angeles County Jail allows incarcerated men to begin building relationships with Christian Hollywood professionals as they learn about careers in the television and film industry. This relationship continues as the men are met “at the gate” upon their release. Then, the center’s Alumni-Continuum Support Groups helps them with recovery, like skills, housing, work, etc. The third component is the Hollywood Impact Studios Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center, known as Miracle Mountain, which opened in early 2018. Topics will include breaking the cycle of incarceration and drug/alcohol abuse through a holistic, faith-based approach; the importance of building real relationships with people working through recovery; how to bring down recidivism rates in jails and prisons by implementing this type of program; and how best to utilize volunteers to fulfill your mission.
- Describe the components of a comprehensive regional approach to addressing addiction-related issues aimed at mitigating stressors on correctional, medical and judicial systems.
- Apply various evidence-based treatment models to their specific populations, facilities and regions.
- Recognize the monetary, safety and systematic benefits to presenting the best evidence-based programing in a correctional setting.
- Outline challenges faced by secular and nonsecular programs for treating criminal justice involved populations.
- Explain the importance of relationships with those in recovery.
- Identify the benefits of a holistic approach.
- Discuss how the Kenton County Detention Center’s Jail Substance Abuse Program and Hollywood Impact Studios’ programs are replicable and scalable to meet the needs of other communities.