How CORHIO is Partnering with ACOs and Providers to Improve Care Across Colorado
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM

Join Morgan Honea, CEO of CORHIO and Dr. Timothy Dudley, Chief Medical Officer for Colorado Care Partners, to learn more about how health information exchange data is informing accountable care quality.
The Colorado Regional Health Information Organization, one of Colorado’s health information exchanges, is partnering with Colorado Care Partners, a HealthONE accountable care organization, to provide meaningful data for their front-line care management initiatives.
CORHIO is sending real-time notifications of hospital visits (admit, discharges, or ER) for active patients in the ACO’s patient roster. The Colorado Care Partners care managers use CORHIO to gather pertinent data on the patients managed by the ACO and to close gaps in care, recognize rising risk and better manage high risk. In addition, data is used for practice scorecards, which track avoidable ER utilization, transitions of care follow-ups and disease management.
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