10 Promising Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Date & Time
Monday, June 3, 2019, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

AI in healthcare brings new ways of thinking and working.There is nothing artificial about the impact of AI is having on the medical industry. By 2025, artificial intelligence applications in healthcare will represent a $34 billion market
Revenue in the lucrative AI healthcare space will be spread across a wide swath of applications, from data security to streamlined workflows. There are multiple use cases including compliance, coding, process flows and business operations that could be adopted today, which will not put lives or care at risk.
The phenomenal growth of artificial intelligence in healthcare is due to the wealth of benefits AI offers physician, nurses, care teams and their patients. AI can identify complex patterns within raw data. It can learn on its own and rewrites its own algorithm and it can predict outcomes. Combined, these capabilities add up to a technology that will disrupt and transform and entire industry.
The AI healthcare applications that will be covered include:
- Virtual Nursing Assistants
- Medical Image Analysis
- AI-assisted medical diagnosis
- Automated workflow assistance
- Fraud detection
- Medical data security
- Clinical trials
- Predictive analytics for risk
- Drug Discovery
- Clinical Trials
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