Safe Alprazolam Prescribing and Benzodiazepine Monitoring Program
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 3, 2018, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Brian Taylor, MD, MD, Medical Director, Adult Services and ADP, Ventura County (California) Behavioral Health
Celia Woods, MD, Quality Medical Director, Ventura County (California) Behavioral Health
Celia Woods, MD, Quality Medical Director, Ventura County (California) Behavioral Health

Moderator: Kelly Clark, MD, MBA, DFAPA, DFASAM, Chief Medical Officer, Clean Slate Centers, President, American Society of Addiction Medicine, and Member, National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit Advisory Board
Deaths resulting in accidental overdoses related to benzodiazepines has been rising in Ventura County, California. Of all benzodiazepines, alprazolam is the most commonly prescribed, misused and diverted; however, it is no longer the drug of first choice for most conditions. To help reduce morbidity, mortality and drug diversion, Ventura County Behavioral Health focused on incorporating good practices into its medical decision-making regarding controlled substances. The project dealt with multifaceted challenges: a growing epidemic of Rx drug abuse in the community, consumers’ lack of awareness of the dangers these substances pose, providers’ lack of awareness of evidenced-based practices, and resistance to change on the part of both patient and prescriber. The project used data to design report cards, offered providers feedback about their prescribing practices, and provided them data that reflected how their practice compared to peers and the organization as a whole. As of May 2017, the number of patients with an active alprazolam prescription had decreased by 84% since project inception (November 2014). This presentation will define the scope of the problem; offer evidence-based practices for prescribing and monitoring controlled substances and the development of a clinical practice guideline; review indications for using benzodiazepines and alternatives; and discuss resistance to change, integrating non-pharmacologic approaches in treatments, and successful interventions and challenges.
- Identify current guidelines and practices that reflect those guidelines in order to provide optimal and safe care to patients.
- Identify safe practices to minimize the long-term use of benzodiazepines when other treatment approaches are best practices.
- Outline procedures for safe practices to implement them in clinical practice.
Deaths resulting in accidental overdoses related to benzodiazepines has been rising in Ventura County, California. Of all benzodiazepines, alprazolam is the most commonly prescribed, misused and diverted; however, it is no longer the drug of first choice for most conditions. To help reduce morbidity, mortality and drug diversion, Ventura County Behavioral Health focused on incorporating good practices into its medical decision-making regarding controlled substances. The project dealt with multifaceted challenges: a growing epidemic of Rx drug abuse in the community, consumers’ lack of awareness of the dangers these substances pose, providers’ lack of awareness of evidenced-based practices, and resistance to change on the part of both patient and prescriber. The project used data to design report cards, offered providers feedback about their prescribing practices, and provided them data that reflected how their practice compared to peers and the organization as a whole. As of May 2017, the number of patients with an active alprazolam prescription had decreased by 84% since project inception (November 2014). This presentation will define the scope of the problem; offer evidence-based practices for prescribing and monitoring controlled substances and the development of a clinical practice guideline; review indications for using benzodiazepines and alternatives; and discuss resistance to change, integrating non-pharmacologic approaches in treatments, and successful interventions and challenges.
- Identify current guidelines and practices that reflect those guidelines in order to provide optimal and safe care to patients.
- Identify safe practices to minimize the long-term use of benzodiazepines when other treatment approaches are best practices.
- Outline procedures for safe practices to implement them in clinical practice.
Location Name
Hanover AB
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Hyatt Regency Atlanta
265 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
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265 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
United States