Information Consolidation: Dash-Boarding a One-Stop Shop for On-boarding of New Employees
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN hires between 6,000 and 8,000 new employees every year. With this level of volume, on-boarding challenges arise that create delays in start dates, immunization reviews and pre-employment assessments. To expedite this high volume process, exchanging of information in an accurate, simple form is the only way to create efficiencies and remove barriers between Human Resources and Occupation Health Services. By consolidating 4 data entry points, and their corresponding repositories, and developing a secure operational dashboard, we were able to optimize appointment scheduling, produce real-time (15 minute delay) results, and customize visuals to show capacity, potential volume, and applicants needing assistance.