From Security Vulnerabilities to Better Practices: Our Cybersecurity Journey
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 8, 2018, 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Communications Security, Computer Security, Information Security, Information Assurance, Information Operations, Cyber Security: through a career at the National Security Agency, and now with the non-profit Center for Internet Security, Curt has spent 35+ years in the business of finding, making sense of, and managing vulnerabilities in devices, systems and operations.
Through the lens of his career he will share his observations about the world of security flaws, and how this “negative knowledge” can be translated into positive defensive action. Curt will discuss how these lessons can apply to the medical care industry: from medical devices to systems, and personal health information.
Cyber Security has evolved from a de facto government monopoly focused on national security and technology, to an issue that touches every one of us, in every aspect of our lives. Beyond the bumper stickers and rah-rah of Public-Private-Partnership, Curt will also describe the new models of cooperation between government and industry that we need for success.