How UMass Memorial is Advancing Health IT Strategy to Support Population Health Efforts
Date & Time
Tuesday, August 7, 2018, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

The foundation of value-based success is a strong population health management (PHM) program that supports the entire organization. PHM programs built on data and technology and supported by robust operations can scale up to meet organization-wide needs. UMass Memorial has built a PHM program that scales. They created a department known as the office of clinical integration that supports system-level PHM functions. The group gathered a multi-disciplinary team to build governance models, secure senior executive and physician buy-in, and increase excitement using targeted communications and education outreach. Attendees will learn how UMass Memorial collects data from diverse sources, integrates it, then analyzes it to create a clear picture of population health needs and value-based care performance. They will also learn how UMass Memorial’s office of clinical integration managed the cultural change necessary to move from fee-for-service medicine to value-based care. Learning objectives:
- Define the investment categories needed to scale a system-wide population health management program
- List the elements of developing and managing a system-wide PHM program, including financial planning and ROI reporting to drive greater executive and physician buy-in
- Describe logistical barriers to a system-wide PHM program, including disparate data sources, physician push back and educational/training needs
- Discuss the role of education and communication in meeting system-level PHM goals