P07 - The Broken Lens: The Impact of Trauma and Addiction on the Way We See The World (1.5 CE)
Date & Time
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Individuals suffering from unresolved trauma will often not see the world as it actually is. Furthermore, they do not see themselves as they actually are. These individuals are defined by the pain and shame of trauma and betrayal. The traumatic experiences in one's past can change a person’s physiology and the way the brain experiences and interprets the world. As a result, we are left with clients stuck in an endless cycle of trauma repetition and self-sabotage. In a desperate attempt to survive, clients suffering from unresolved trauma will turn to substances, sex, technology or self-harm in an effort not to feel the past pain that is haunting them. This presentation will explore in-depth the way trauma impacts the brain, disrupts attachment, and ultimately changes how an individual navigates the world. Case studies, current research and trends, and intervention strategies for working with this population will be examined.
Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:
1) Identify the impact trauma can have on an individual’s perception of the world and recognize how addiction is often a symptom of trauma.
2) Describe the "broken lens" and discuss how a history of addiction and trauma can distort an individual's perception of the world, fuel the cycle of trauma repetition, and impair their ability to connect.
3) Summarize some of the interventions used to treat trauma and addiction.