P06 - Ending The Diet Mindset: Helping Your Clients Reclaim a Balanced and Healthy Approach To Food and Body Image (1.5 CE)
Date & Time
Friday, October 19, 2018, 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Becca Clegg, LPC, CEDS-S
This presentation walks clinicians through both identifying Food and Diet issues within their current client population and interventions for helping clients work through these issues.

After attending this session, attendees will be able to:

- Teach attendees about diet mindset (obsessive thinking regarding food and body image distortions, disordered eating patterns and how to assess for these tendencies in their client intake process.
- Provide attendees with a framework for teaching clients about diet culture and diet mindset; establishing the ineffective nature of dieting as a behavioral intervention through the presentation of statistics and research that demonstrates that dieting is psychologically, emotionally, and physically damaging and often lead to disordered eating patterns.
- Provide attendees with cognitive, experiential and behavioral interventions they can use in their work with clients who are struggling with disordered eating patterns, diet obsession, negative body image, and unbalanced relationships with food.