The Case for Systemness in Healthcare
Date & Time
Thursday, October 19, 2017, 2:30 PM - 2:40 PM

To achieve the triple aim of improving patient outcomes, optimizing patient experience and reducing costs, the performance of a health system should be greater than the sum of its parts. This requires organizations to pursue the goals of coordination, collaboration, integration and productivity to maximize the performance of the “system of systems”.
The case for Systemness in healthcare is growing stronger as healthcare organizations constantly strive to achieve the highest level of performance in integrated care delivery and patient centricity. The focus on Systemness redefines organization benchmarks that require clinical staff to continuously unlearn and learn to keep pace with industry challenges. Systemness aims to eliminate functional barriers within organizations and enables them to operate as a single entity. This allows for organization goals to take precedence over individual team goals which is critical to keep pace with the dynamic nature of industry.
Join us to explore what are the major elements of Systemness, organization models & how IT plays a major role in helping organizations to achieve Systemness.