CaroMont Health Innovates Beyond the Traditional Epic Mold
Date & Time
Thursday, October 19, 2017, 3:10 PM - 3:45 PM

CaroMont Health's unique instance of Epic marks a pinnicle for innovation within the platform, based upon years of innovative best practices and optimization conducted through Mercy Health of St. Louis. CaroMont Health is a regional health system with a footprint spanning the greater Charlotte and Gastonia regions including physician practices, urgent cares, hospice, and emergency facilities anchored by CaroMont Regional Medical Center in Charlotte.
Serving a variety of specialty populations in both rural and urban environments, CaroMont has innovated within the Epic platform to expand a variety of efforts including business intelligence initiatives, clinical scheduling, enterprise data warehouse initiatives and much more. In this session, visit with CaroMont Health CMIO and physician leader, Dr. Salim Saiyed, as he details some of the latest Epic best practices and innovations at CaroMont. Attendees of this session will:
- Identify strategies for implementation of a mature Epic build at a new customer site.
- Demonstrate best practices for informatics knowledge transfer between two organizations.
- Describe innovation partnership with vendor company.