Quality and Payment: The Intersection of MACRA, Quality and Financials
Date & Time
Thursday, April 13, 2017, 7:35 AM - 8:15 AM
Healthcare can be dysfunctional when it comes to quality vs. cost-- and in value-based care, the quality/cost ratio is the difference between financial strength, and struggling.  But, the transition to value-based care isn't stopping, and physicians in addition to provider organizations must position themselves to provide the highest quality care possible--their reimbursement depends on it.
In this session, we visit with the National Committee for Quality Assurance's national head of research and quality measurement, Dr. Michael Barr, as he details benchmarks for quality care delivery from the primary and specialty care perspectives.  Hear Dr. Barr describe how launching new care models, like the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH/PCSP), are bending the cost curve, improving MACRA readiness, performance, and reimbursement at the system level, all while improving cost of care and financial health of provider organizations.
Michael Barr, MD, Executive Vice President, Quality Measurement and Research Group,  National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)